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2025 AZBO Spring Education Institute

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Primary Contact:
Shelly Franco Westacott

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2025 AZBO Spring Education Institute
2025 AZBO Spring Education Institute
Mon, April 07, 2025 @ 08:00 AM — Fri, April 11, 2025 @ 12:00 PM (MST)
Event Banner

Experience high quality, relevant instruction with expert instructors!

Deepen your professional knowledge!

Network with colleagues from across the state!

Join us as we strive to





APRIL 07- 11, 2025

Casino Del Sol Resort

5655 W Valencia Rd, Tucson, Arizona 85757

Room Rates:

Room Rates: Estrella Tower: $129.00 ("Family Friendly": *Has a pool with a slide and an arcade on the first floor!)

Del Sol Tower: $139.00


Registration: Open
Event Dates
8:00 AM to 12:00 PM (MST)

Google | Outlook | (Office 365) | iCal | Other

Registration Closes
March 26, 2025 @ 12:00 pm
Casino Del Sol
5655 W Valencia Road
Tucson, AZ  USA
Room Rates: Estrella Tower: $129.00 ("Family Friendly": *Has a pool with a slide and an arcade on the first floor!) Del Sol Tower: $139.00

Thank you to our generous sponsors

Selection Options
US Dollar
Monday Classes
IBC Accessibility Requirements | PPN 804 | Steve Thomas
IBC Accessibility Requirements | PPN 804 | Steve Thomas
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Monday Apr 07, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

Overview of the scoping provisions for accessibility in the International Building Code and the technical provisions of the ICC/ANSI A117.1 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities. The seminar will also discuss differences between the provisions enforced by building department and the American Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines.

IRC 2024 Residential Beginning Plan Review | PPN 44552 |Brad Mecham & Tara …
IRC 2024 Residential Beginning Plan Review | PPN 44552 |Brad Mecham & Tara …
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Monday Apr 07, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

Participants will receive instruction for the review of typical residential plans in order to identify compliance with the key requirements of the International Residential Code. This will include provision of a set of drawings and various exercises. The class will cover all aspects of residential plan review, including life safety, structural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems. A plan review checklist will also be provided.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           A

Transition from the 2017 NEC to the 2023 NEC (Day 1 of 2) | PPN 44559 | Mi …
Transition from the 2017 NEC to the 2023 NEC (Day 1 of 2) | PPN 44559 | Mi …
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Monday Apr 07, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

This 2-day course will highlight the significant National Electrical Code changes that have been introduced in the 2020 and the 2023 NEC. Participants will be able to better understand the important aspects of the code’s latest requirements for both residential and commercial electrical construction. This is a combination Power Point presentation of both the 2020 and the 2023 NEC based on the IAEI Analysis of the Code Changes publications developed by the Independent Alliance of the Electrical Industry formerly know as the International Association of Electrical Inspectors.

*Please note there will not be any handouts due to copyright laws. Both the

2020 and the 2023 Analysis books are available for purchase at the IAEI website.

AZBO will also have several copies available at their on-site bookstore.

Effects of Fire on Building Construction Materials | PPN 42779 | Barbara Ri …
Effects of Fire on Building Construction Materials | PPN 42779 | Barbara Ri …
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Monday Apr 07, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

Participants will learn how different materials respond to fire, including their behavior, resistance, and the impacts on structural integrity. The class will also provide information on the complex interactions and behaviors of fires within enclosed spaces or compartments.

Objectives: 1. Understand the behavior of various construction materials when exposed to fire. 2. Learn about the fire resistance ratings of different materials. 3. Explore the methods used to enhance fire resistance in building construction. 4. Examine case studies of fire incidents and their impact on building materials.

The Complete Permit Tech (*Day 1 of 2) | PPN 44988 | Steve Burger
The Complete Permit Tech (*Day 1 of 2) | PPN 44988 | Steve Burger
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Monday Apr 07, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

This 2-day course is intended to provide essential information in the areas of code administration and history, legal aspects, customer service, basic plan review, inspection process, zoning requirements, permit fee calculations, basic occupancy and construction types, basic means of egress and dealing with difficult customers.

Students: Please bring a calculator, highlighter, 2018 or 2021 International Building Code, 2018 or 2021 International Zoning Code, Legal Aspects of Code Administration and Basic Code Enforcement.

Residential Mechanical/Plumbing | PPN 35417 | Kevin Barthel
Residential Mechanical/Plumbing | PPN 35417 | Kevin Barthel
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Monday Apr 07, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

The primary objective of the morning session is to increase the knowledge of Inspectors and Plan reviewers as it relates to growing applications of Hybrid (Zoned) HVAC systems within residential dwellings and other important aspects of the 2018 International Residential Code. The primary objective of the afternoon session is to increase your knowledge as it relates to Residential Plumbing Systems, General Regulations, Inspections, and other important aspects of the Plumbing Code under the 2018 International Residential Code.

Tuesday Classes
Transition from the 2017 NEC to the 2023 NEC (Day 2 of 2) | PPN 44560 | Mi …
Transition from the 2017 NEC to the 2023 NEC (Day 2 of 2) | PPN 44560 | Mi …
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Tuesday Apr 08, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

This 2-day course will highlight the significant National Electrical Code changes that have been introduced in the 2020 and the 2023 NEC. Participants will be able to better understand the important aspects of the code’s latest requirements for both residential and commercial electrical construction. This is a combination Power Point presentation of both the 2020 and the 2023 NEC based on the IAEI Analysis of the Code Changes publications developed by the Independent Alliance of the Electrical Industry formerly know as the International Association of Electrical Inspectors.

*Please note there will not be any handouts due to copyright laws. Both the

2020 and the 2023 Analysis books are available for purchase at the IAEI website.

AZBO will also have several copies available at their on-site bookstore.

The Complete Permit Tech (*Day 2 of 2) | PPN 44989 | Steve Burger
The Complete Permit Tech (*Day 2 of 2) | PPN 44989 | Steve Burger
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Tuesday Apr 08, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

This 2-day course is intended to provide essential information in the areas of code administration and history, legal aspects, customer service, basic plan review, inspection process, zoning requirements, permit fee calculations, basic occupancy and construction types, basic means of egress and dealing with difficult customers.

Students: Please bring a calculator, highlighter, 2018 or 2021 International Building Code, 2018 or 2021 International Zoning Code, Legal Aspects of Code Administration and Basic Code Enforcement.

IBC update to 2024 | PPN 796 |Steve Thomas
IBC update to 2024 | PPN 796 |Steve Thomas
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Tuesday Apr 08, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

Reviews the changes from the 2021 edition to the 2024 edition of the International Building Code. The background behind many of the changes will be discussed to provide the participant with an understanding of the intent of the changes and how to apply it to their everyday work. Subjects covered in the class will include the code change process, energy storage systems, flammable gases, carbon monoxide detection, and adult changing stations.

Residential Electrical | PPN 42620 | Mike Ornoski
Residential Electrical | PPN 42620 | Mike Ornoski
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Tuesday Apr 08, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

 The 2023 NEC / 2024 IRC “Ground Up Electrical Residential” is a highly interactive single family electrical code class all about attendee participation from an electrical inspection perspective. Bring your 2023 NEC & 2024 IRC as you will use it! It is the ongoing open electrical code discussions, where you will learn to use the NEC and IRC collectively, and how to apply the code sections. presented construction photos. This workshop type class is built to help with breaking down code arrangement, useful table(s), definitions, branch circuits, and much more. 

Note: To get the best possible experience students MUST bring their code books 2023 NEC & 2024 IRC.

2024 IECC Residential Real World Applications | PPN 22987 | Shawnna Mozinga …
2024 IECC Residential Real World Applications | PPN 22987 | Shawnna Mozinga …
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Tuesday Apr 08, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

Participants will take a walk through the residential chapters of the IECC by way of pictures, videos and presentations that show not just code language, but real world application of that code language. We’ll look at the building science principles that are incorporated into the code as well as understand the various paths of compliance and what is needed to show compliance with each path and each provision. This won’t be your typical residential IECC class so get ready to learn and to share experiences.  

IFC Significant Changes from 2018-2024 International Fire Code | PPN 45038 …
IFC Significant Changes from 2018-2024 International Fire Code | PPN 45038 …
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Tuesday Apr 08, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

 This class will highlight and discuss the significant changes between the 2018 International Fire Code and the 2024 IFC. Students are recommended to bring either code book if it is helpful for their reference. The objective is to highlight significant changes over the two code cycle period and discuss any potential challenges for adoption.

Wednesday Classes
Ground Up Electrical Commercial/ Multi-Family (*Day 1 of 2) | PPN 45021 | M …
Ground Up Electrical Commercial/ Multi-Family (*Day 1 of 2) | PPN 45021 | M …
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Wednesday Apr 09, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class Description:

The 2023 NEC “Ground Up Electrical Commercial/ Multi-family” is a highly interactive two-day electrical NEC code class. This class is all about attendee participation from an electrical inspection perspective. Bring your 2023 NEC as YOU WILL USE IT! You will learn to use the NEC and apply code sections with the use of construction photos and real-life experiences. This workshop type class was created to develop a better understanding on how to apply the NEC when inspecting electrical installations. As stated in the title we will address underground installations through roof and including electrical distribution.

Note: To get the best possible experience students MUST bring their NEC code book(s)!

Help me help you! Getting what you want at the front counter | PPN 424143 | …
Help me help you! Getting what you want at the front counter | PPN 424143 | …
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Wednesday Apr 09, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

Whose job is it to make sure that everything that is needed in a set of plans is actually submitted at the time of permit application and plan submittal? When the plan reviewer opens a set of plans only to find that they don’t have enough information to do the review, who does that fall back on? The applicant, that’s who. But are we arming them with the information they need to do their job as well? Let’s look at how to know if plans are submitted with enough information to get reviewed and what we can do to help applicants at our front counter get us the information we need to do our jobs. Help them to help you!

2024 IECC Residential Energy Plan Review | PPN 44578 | Hope Medina
2024 IECC Residential Energy Plan Review | PPN 44578 | Hope Medina
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Wednesday Apr 09, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

How can we make time to look at energy code compliance during plan review while still looking at everything the other codes require us to look at? This short session will allow the student to identify key energy code requirements on plan sets while understanding why they are in the code and how the different components and systems all affect each. Students will receive strategies and information to assist them in incorporating energy code compliance into their everyday plan reviews.

Applying Codes to Cannabis Facilities | PPN 43289 | Steve Thomas
Applying Codes to Cannabis Facilities | PPN 43289 | Steve Thomas
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Wednesday Apr 09, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

Seminar examines the history and background of codes being applied to cannabis facilities, as well as discussion of the various related uses, hazards involved, and identification of H vs F-1, M and B occupancies within these facilities. Seminar discusses IBC, IFC, and MEP requirements and applying the IEBC to these uses.

Residential Combo Inspections (Day 1 of 2) | PPN 44555 | Jonathan Cornell …
Residential Combo Inspections (Day 1 of 2) | PPN 44555 | Jonathan Cornell …
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Wednesday Apr 09, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

 This class will take a comprehensive look at all phases of inspections in new single family home construction. Examples of both code compliant construction and non-code compliant construction will be provided, as well as discussion surrounding possible corrections to non-code compliant installations. This class is based on the 2024 International Residential Code.

Post-Tension Slab-On-Ground (PTSOG) | PPN 44557 | Tony Gillette & Mike Bro …
Post-Tension Slab-On-Ground (PTSOG) | PPN 44557 | Tony Gillette & Mike Bro …
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Wednesday Apr 09, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

  This one-day course is intended to walk the attendee through design, construction, maintenance, and repair of PTSOG foundations. The course is meant to familiarize attendees with the design methodologies of PTSOG through the code recognized Post-Tension Institute (PTI) document DC10.5-19 as well as other PTI documents regarding construction and maintenance of the PTSOG. Finally, there will be some discussion on repairs to PTSOG. Objectives: Upon completion: participants will better be able to: 

1. Understand the path through the building code to the PTI DC10.5-19 document 

2. Understand the intentional separation of PTI from ACI (American Concrete Institute) 

3. Understand that the PTI DC10.5-19 document applies to both expansive and stable soils 

4. Be familiar with the geotechnical report requirements necessary for PTSOG design 

5. Be familiar with the design and durability requirements in the PTI DC10.5-19 document 

6. Understand the main difference between conventionally reinforced concrete and post-tensioned


7. Be familiar with the construction sequence of the PTSOG foundation 

8. Be familiar with the inspections required during construction of the PTSOG foundation 

9. Be familiar with some common maintenance requirements with PTSOG 

10. Understand that PTSOG foundations can be repaired if necessary and what some of the repairs might look like 

Thursday Classes
Ground Up Electrical Commercial/Multi-Family (*Day 2 of 2) | PPN 45022 | Mi …
Ground Up Electrical Commercial/Multi-Family (*Day 2 of 2) | PPN 45022 | Mi …
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Thursday Apr 10, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class Description:

The 2023 NEC “Ground Up Electrical Commercial/ Multi-family” is a highly interactive two-day electrical NEC code class. This class is all about attendee participation from an electrical inspection perspective. Bring your 2023 NEC as YOU WILL USE IT! You will learn to use the NEC and apply code sections with the use of construction photos and real-life experiences. This workshop type class was created to develop a better understanding on how to apply the NEC when inspecting electrical installations. As stated in the title we will address underground installations through roof and including electrical distribution.

Note: To get the best possible experience students MUST bring their NEC code book(s)!

Residential Combo Inspections (*Day 2 of 2) | PPN 44556 | Jonathan Cornell …
Residential Combo Inspections (*Day 2 of 2) | PPN 44556 | Jonathan Cornell …
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Thursday Apr 10, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

 This 2 day class will take a comprehensive look at all phases of inspections in new single family home construction. Examples of both code compliant construction and non-code compliant construction will be provided, as well as discussion surrounding possible corrections to non-code compliant installations. This class is based on the 2024 International Residential Code.

2024 IRC Wall Bracing | PPN 44558 | Tony Gillette & Mike Brooks
2024 IRC Wall Bracing | PPN 44558 | Tony Gillette & Mike Brooks
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Thursday Apr 10, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

This full day course is intended to provide a background to the wall bracing provisions of the prescriptive building code. This will encompass walking through load path, the evolution of the code, and finishing with the relevant changes to the 2024 IRC code. The course will finish with a sample problem run in parallel for a shear design and braced design and also multiple examples of lateral analysis for a variety of plans that Felten Group has designed.                                     Objectives: Upon completion: participants will better be able to: 

1. Understand the background of the wall bracing provisions 

2. Better understand the lateral load path in the structure 

3. Learn about the disparity that existed between the IBC and IRC in the previous code cycles 

4. Understand the reliance of the wall bracing tables on ASCE7 (tables were derived from Chapter 

28 using the Kz values from Chapter 26 

5. Major changes are coming to ASCE 7-28, which may lead to changes to the wind tables in the 

2030 IRC and beyond 

6. Gain an understanding of the changes to the 2024 code 

7. Gain an understanding of the differences between the 2018 IRC and the 2024 IRC braced wall 


8. Gain an understanding of how bracing and shear designs are similar/

Means of Egress | PPN 801 | Steve Thomas
Means of Egress | PPN 801 | Steve Thomas
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Thursday Apr 10, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

 This class is a basic overview of the means of egress requirements included in Chapter 10 of the IBC. The presentation will include detailed discussions on the design of the means of egress in buildings. Subjects included in the class are the three parts of the means of egress including occupant loads, egress width, number of exits, travel distance, common path of egress travel and exit enclosures. Practical examples will be used to illustrate code requirements.

From the Ground Up! – Understanding Residential Construction for Permit Tec …
From the Ground Up! – Understanding Residential Construction for Permit Tec …
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Thursday Apr 10, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

A comprehensive study of all phases of residential construction geared toward the Permit Tech. Construction, and inspection processes, and terminology will be covered in depth. Attendees will gain knowledge about the construction of a single-family residence- both frame and masonry, be able to identify various construction materials and have a better understanding of the required inspections

Level: Beginners

Office Ethics and Antics | PPN 32434 | Shaunna Mozinga
Office Ethics and Antics | PPN 32434 | Shaunna Mozinga
$ 175.00 
Casino Del Sol
Thursday Apr 10, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  04:00:PM MST

Class description:

Participants will laugh, maybe cry, and question your motives and intentions all at the same time. Having worked in Building Departments and for other companies, as well as owning her own business, Shaunna has learned a lot from her mistakes and wants to share her stories with you as well as the resources and tools that she has gather along the way to help you learn how to redirect your focus, to understand how the things you bring to work affect other people, and how the ethics and/or antics within the office environment will either make your or break you. Don’t be shy, get registered, what have you got to lose?

Friday .5 Day: Dr. Melendez
Leading Teams | PPN 44899 | Dr. Paul Melendez (*Half day: 8:00-12:00)
Leading Teams | PPN 44899 | Dr. Paul Melendez (*Half day: 8:00-12:00)
$ 100.00 
Casino Del Sol
Friday Apr 11, 2025 @  08:00:AM  —  12:00:PM MST

Class description:

The module will focus on various leadership styles and when they should be used, potential weaknesses, and key matching styles. The module will also focus on the role of leadership in establishing team performance through the development, sustaining, and diagnostic stages. 

Attendee Registration