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Unleash Your Legacy

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Betsy Peterson

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Join Us for Unleash Your Legacy


Consider the life you're busy living – is it aligned to the legacy you want to live and leave? If not, we invite you to join us for a transformative workshop where we share how to name, claim and live your legacy. (Imagine how grateful your future self will be!)

Give yourself the gift of a 90-minute, individual, reflective experience that will help you answer questions like: 

  • Who am I really?
  • What have I valued that no longer feels relevant?
  • Who am I becoming?
  • Where do I anchor my worth and well-being?
  • How do I define success and fulfillment?

Who is this for?

If you’re an executive leader doing social good in the world, who identifies as BIPOC, and/or devotes yourself to acting and working in allyship, this is a one-of-a-kind experience designed to help you discover who you are when all the striving and all the work falls way. This is a session designed to help you name, claim, and start living your legacy.

What can you expect after 90 minutes?

It's not merely a workshop; it's an intimate exploration of your profound impact. It's also a "no-performance" space (it's the opposite of everything we've come to expect from a zoom call). Want to be off camera and muted the entire time? Great- you do you. This is your individualized, reflective experience.

You’ll leave the session with:

  • A refreshed outlook on what is worth your time, energy, and money 
  • A multi-generational look at the legacy you are living and leaving
  • A start to a personal legacy statement that will lead you to move with increased intentionality
  • Three proven habit-building exercises you can use to start living your legacy

What past participants had to say about Unleash Your Legacy:

"Unleash Your Legacy was a really well curated and tightly blocked out session. There was laughter and moments of levity, music, and a sense of love in a room of (mostly) strangers. It felt spacious and generous, but a ton of ground covered -- which for me, is always a sign of magic at work."

"This workshop came at a time when I needed it. Not only was it helpful to have a moment to slow down and reflect but it was also really special to do this reflection in a way that is interconnected with other people (ie. ancestors and next generations)."

"Unleash helped energize me as I think more critically about my life and where I've been, where I'm going, and who I am becoming."

We're looking forward to walking alongside you on your legacy journey. Register today!

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