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The NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research invites you to a kids science show!
We invite you to join us for an in-person NSF NCAR Explorer Series kids show, “Science is magic (but better)!” on Saturday, September 21st from 10:00-11:30 am (MT).
This free family event is only available in person. Please register to reserve your seats.
Event Description
Are you constantly fascinated by the mysteries of the world? Do you find yourself asking questions such as: Why does our recorded voice sound so strange? How do you create the oldest substance in the world with a pencil sharpener (and make it explode)? How can you see through objects? What is the difference between magic and science? One of our favorite scientists, Jo Hecker, is back to answer these questions and many more! Bring your curious minds and peer into the wonderful world of science. You’ll see and hear the world differently after participating in this event!
Free public event for ages 8+
For more information and to watch archived lectures, visit the NCAR Explorer Series webpage.
We look forward to seeing you there!