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The Kansas Jail Training Academy (KJTA) continues to operate successfully for basic training for corrections officers, however, many agencies have expressed the need to offer corresponding legal-based training specifically designed for supervisors. With input from the KSA Jail Committee, the National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO) has designed a curriculum in 8 core supervisory areas. Attendees are encouraged to come learn, apply and share these essential skills.
(includes lodging + 3 meals/day!)
*A $16.25/person Registration/Processing Fee will be add at checkout for each attendee.
Two sessions available for 2023:
SESSION #1 - March 27 - 29, 2023 (Mon 0800 - Wed 1200)
SESSION #2 - March 29 - 31, 2023 (Wed 1300 - Fri 1700)
Space is limited to 20 per session, so don't wait to register!