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A Concrete Flatwork Associate (formerly Concrete Flatwork Technician) is an individual who has demonstrated the knowledge (via a written examination) on proper procedures to place, consolidate, finish, edge, joint, cure, and protect concrete flatwork.
A Concrete Flatwork Finisher (formerly Concrete Flatwork Tradesman) is an individual who has demonstrated the knowledge (via a hand-on performance examination) necessary to place, consolidate, finish, edge, joint, cure, and protect concrete flatwork, but lacks sufficient work experience to qualify as a concrete flatwork finisher. An Advanced Concrete Flatwork Finisher (formerly Concrete Flatwork Finisher and Technician) is a craftsman who has demonstrated the knowledge AND skills and/or experience necessary to place, consolidate, finish, edge, joint, cure, and protect concrete flatwork.
Note, the in-person courses offered include a half-day refresher/review prior to the written exam only. The CRMCA does NOT provide the on-hands performance exam to meet the requirements of a Concrete Flatwork Finisher. If the appropriate work experience is met, an individual can complete the written exam and complete the Experience Form (prior to their scheduled session) to obtain the title Advanced Concrete Flatwork Finisher. For more information on the certification or the certification requirements, please click here. Please see the Work Experience Form to complete and submit your experience requirements.
"Candidates choosing to use resource materials must possess either official/original ACI-printed materials, or printed permission from the copyright holder accompanying their printed/photocopied materials."
As a Local Sponsoring Group for ACI certifications, CRMCA is required to enforce ACI Policy, therefore any unauthorized materials will be immediately confiscated by the Examiner of Record if brought to an exam session. Please ensure only official/original materials are being utilized to avoid any disruption to your testing process.