Primary Contact: |
Quinn Arrington |
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Historical and inter-generational trauma leaves a lasting mark on tribal and urban communities, perpetuating destructive cycles. The visible recurrence of these unhealthy patterns affects workplaces, individuals, and families, manifesting as behaviors linked to trauma—chronic negativity, isolated work, addiction, people taking their own lives, lateral oppression, violence, and hopelessness. Trauma confines many to deficit thinking, preventing a mindset aligned with our ancestors—one rooted in abundant ideas, thoughts, and actions.
"Where there is Trauma, Healing is the Answer"
This training delves into understanding trauma's impact on the brain and behavior, unraveling its manifestations in workplaces and communities. It guides participants in addressing trauma and fostering healing within their communities. The program also explores how policies and services in programs can be trauma and healing-informed, ushering in a transformative approach.
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Zoom Meeting Information: ? Zoom Meeting ID: 748 676 2222 |