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2025 MEEC Annual Conference and Vendor Showcase

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Primary Contact:
Conor Mulvey
Email | 3014458042

Event Coordinator:
Tamara Petronka

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2025 MEEC Annual Conference and Vendor Showcase
2025 MEEC Annual Conference and Vendor Showcase
Thu, April 10, 2025
Event Banner

Welcome to the 2025 MEEC Member Conference and Vendor Showcase on April 10, 2025, at the fantastic Martin’s West venue.

This event provides a unique opportunity for MEEC members to connect with vendors, engage in insightful discussions with colleagues, and participate in valuable, informative sessions. Your experiences and insights help make the conference sessions impactful and engaging.

We’re excited to see each of you in April for a collaborative and enriching event!

Registration: Open
Event Date

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Registration Closes
March 24, 2025 @ 6:00 pm
Martin's West
6817 Dogwood Rd, Baltimore, MD 21244
Baltimore, MD  USA
Selection Options
US Dollar
Platinum Sponsorship
Platinum You Choose
Platinum You Choose
$ 4,000.00 

Choose your Sponsorship item from the dropdown. Package includes Vendor showcase booth fee with two 6 ft tables, four chairs, electrical outlet, wireless internet access, and meal tickets for four vendor participants. 4 additional representatives may be added for $85 per person.

When you select this, you also get (at no additional charge):
  • Platinum Included Table Representatives (4x)
  • Platinum Included Table Representatives (4x)
-Conference badge holders/lanyards
-Conference Totes
-Logo on T-Shirts
Gold Sponsorship
Gold You Choose
Gold You Choose
$ 3,000.00 

Choose your Sponsorship item from the dropdown. Includes Vendor showcase booth fee with one 6 ft table, three chairs, electrical outlet, wireless internet access, and meal tickets for three vendor participants. 3 additional representatives may be added for $85 per person.  

When you select this, you also get (at no additional charge):
  • Gold Included Table Representatives (3x)
  • Gold Included Table Representatives (3x)
-All Day Beverage Service
-Audio Visual Support
Silver Sponsorship
Silver Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
$ 2,250.00 

Includes Vendor showcase booth fee with one 6 ft table, two chairs, electrical outlet, wireless internet access, and meal tickets for two vendor participants. 2 additional representatives may be added for $85 per person. 

When you select this, you also get (at no additional charge):
  • Vendor Table Representatives (2x)
  • Vendor Table Representatives (2x)
Bronze Sponsorship
Bronze Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
$ 1,500.00 

Includes Vendor showcase booth fee with one 6 ft table, two chairs, electrical outlet, wireless internet access, and meal tickets for two vendor participants. 2 additional representatives may be added for $85 per person. 

When you select this, you also get (at no additional charge):
  • Vendor Table Representatives (2x)
  • Vendor Table Representatives (2x)
Vendor Registration Options
Vendor Showcase Table
Vendor Showcase Table
$ 650.00 

Includes one 6 ft table, two chairs, electrical outlet, wireless internet access, and meal tickets for two vendor participants. 2 additional representatives may be added for $85 per person.  

When you select this, you also get (at no additional charge):
  • Vendor Table Representatives (2x)
  • Vendor Table Representatives (2x)
Vendor Participation (Attend, no Table)
Vendor Participation (Attend, no Table)
$ 450.00 

For Vendors who attend but do not require a booth. Includes access to Vendor Showcase and Sessions for two vendor participants. Additional representatives may be added for $85 per person. 

Vendor Rep
Vendor Rep
$ 85.00 
New AV Vendor Showcase Table
New AV Vendor Showcase Table
$ 450.00 

Includes one 6 ft table, two chairs, electrical outlet, wireless internet access, and meal tickets for two vendor participants. 2 additional representatives may be added for $85 per person.  

When you select this, you also get (at no additional charge):
  • Vendor Table Representatives (2x)
  • Vendor Table Representatives (2x)
MEEC Member Registration
MEEC Member Registration
Register for the event
Speaker Registration
Speaker Registration
Register for the event
Representative Options
I am the Primary Contact but NOT ATTENDING
I am the Primary Contact but NOT ATTENDING

Please check the box if YOU or the person your are registering is NOT attending

Platinum Included Table Representatives
Platinum Included Table Representatives

Platinum - 4 included Vendor Representatives for your booth.

Gold Included Table Representatives
Gold Included Table Representatives

Gold - 3 Included Vendor Representatives for your booth.

Vendor Table Representatives
Vendor Table Representatives

2 Included Vendor Representatives for your booth.

Additional Representative AFTER Registration
Additional Representative AFTER Registration
$ 85.00 

Additional Vendor Representatives for your booth. Please limit your attending company representatives to less than 10 total.

Industry Partner (Vendor Affiliate - no booth)
Industry Partner (Vendor Affiliate - no booth)
$ 200.00 

Includes access to Vendor Showcase and Sessions for one industry partner. Industry partners must represent a brand on a current MEEC agreement.

Attendee Registration