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MTSS Conference 2024: Steering the MTSS Ship

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Primary Contact:
Keysha Riddick
Email | (302) 314-5425


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MTSS Conference 2024: Steering the MTSS Ship
MTSS Conference 2024: Steering the MTSS Ship
Anne Arundel County Public Schools CONFERENCE
Multiple dates between June 25, 2024 and June 26, 2024
Event Banner

Welcome! All aboard, AACPS MTSS Leaders!

We are your cruise directors as you embark on this exciting journey of learning, collaboration, and reflection!


Registration: Closed
Multiple Event Dates Within Range
See registration form for specific dates
Registration Closes
June 26, 2024 @ 6:00 pm
Severna Park High School
60 Robinson Road
Severna Park, MD  USA
Summary Agenda
Tuesday, June 25
7:45 AM to 9:00 AM
Secondary Conference Registration
8:30 AM to 9:00 AM
Keynote - Navigating for Success
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
"Ready to Learn": Destressing Activities That Prepare Students for Learning
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Digging Deeper into the Student Code of Conduct with MTSS
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Keynote Q&A
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Make and Take: Creating Symbolic Talking Pieces for Classroom Discourse
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
MTSS Museum
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Restorative Practices to Support Behaviors
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Revamping MTSS by Creating a Community of Belonging
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
THE Bates Story Project
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
The Classroom Assistance Form
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Understanding School-Based Mental Health and Substance Use Prevention Supports in AACPS
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Unified Insights: A Cloud Overview and Navigation
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Unlocking Behavior: The Power of Functional Behavior Assessments
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
Cruising Through Wellness
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
Data Based Decision Making for Determining Interventions and Supports for your School
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
Digging Deeper into the Student Code of Conduct with MTSS
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
Make and Take: Creating Symbolic Talking Pieces for Classroom Discourse
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
MTSS Museum
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
Navigating Behavior Intervention Plans: Procedures, Strategies, and a Case Study Exploration
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
Revamping MTSS by Creating a Community of Belonging
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
School Culture & Climate Score
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
THE Bates Story Project
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
Unified Insights: A Cloud Overview and Navigation
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
Using PBIS for Staff Retention and Recognition
11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
12:35 PM to 1:05 PM
Learning, Intentions, Planning
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
Double Check: An Online Teacher Coaching Model and the CARES360 Tool
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
Entering Interventions in Unified Insights - MTSS
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
From Avoidance to Connection: How to Navigate Uncomfortable Conversations
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
Make and Take: Creating Symbolic Talking Pieces for Classroom Discourse
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
Master Your Year: Maximizing Impact on PBIS Planning Day
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
MTSS Museum
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
Multi-Tiered Levels of Supports for Student Regulation in Middle School Classrooms
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
School Culture & Climate Score
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
The Bates Story Project
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
Tracking Data to Create a Positive Schoolwide Community
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
Connecting Community Building Circles to Circles to Address Harm - Its all about accountability!
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
Double Check: An Online Teacher Coaching Model and the CARES360 Tool
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
Entering Interventions in Unified Insights - MTSS
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
From Avoidance to Connection: How to Navigate Uncomfortable Conversations
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
Make and Take: Creating Symbolic Talking Pieces for Classroom Discourse
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
Master Your Year: Maximizing Impact on PBIS Planning Day
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
MTSS Museum
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
Multi-Tiered Levels of Supports for Student Regulation in Middle School Classrooms
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
School Culture & Climate Score
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
THE Bates Story Project
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
Tracking Data to Create a Positive Schoolwide Community
Wednesday, June 26
8:00 AM to 8:30 AM
Elementary Conference Registration
8:30 AM to 9:00 AM
Keynote - Navigating for Success
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
From Avoidance to Connection: How to Navigate Uncomfortable Conversations
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Building a School Wide Positive Climate
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Connecting Community Building Circles to Circles to Address Harm - Its all about accountability!
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Digging Deeper into the Student Code of Conduct with MTSS
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Engagement and Belonging: Examine research and take steps to improve school and classroom climates.
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Executive Function and Skilled Reading
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Keynote Q&A
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Make and Take: Creating Symbolic Talking Pieces for Classroom Discourse
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
MTSS Museum
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Navigating and Monitoring Math Tiers of Support
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Revamping MTSS by Creating a Community of Belonging
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
School-wide Zones of Regulation Implementation
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Supporting Behavior in Early Childhood with the Pyramid Model
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
THE Bates Story Project
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Understanding School-Based Mental Health and Substance Use Prevention Supports in AACPS
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Unified Insights: A Cloud Overview and Navigation
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
Building a School Wide Positive Climate
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
Digging Deeper into the Student Code of Conduct with MTSS
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
Engagement and Belonging: Examine research and take steps to improve school and classroom climates.
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
Executive Function and Skilled Reading
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
From Avoidance to Connection: How to Navigate Uncomfortable Conversations
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
Make and Take: Creating Symbolic Talking Pieces for Classroom Discourse
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
MTSS Museum
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
Navigating and Monitoring Math Tiers of Support
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
PBIS Nuts and Bolts: Systems and Strategies for Full School Engagement
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
Revamping MTSS by Creating a Community of Belonging
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
School Culture & Climate Score
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
School-wide Zones of Regulation Implementation
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
Supporting Behavior in Early Childhood with the Pyramid Model
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
THE Bates Story Project
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
Unified Insights: A Cloud Overview and Navigation
10:25 AM to 11:25 AM
Using Data to Drive the Work of a Behavior Support Team
11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
12:35 PM to 1:05 PM
Learning, Intentions, Planning
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
Brain-Based Learning and Multisensory Instruction
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
Bringing the Behavior Binder to Life: Strategies for Corrective Feedback
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
Creating a Behavior Response Team
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
Diving into CDM Data Chats
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
Entering Interventions in Unified Insights - MTSS
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
Make and Take: Creating Symbolic Talking Pieces for Classroom Discourse
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
Master Your Year: Maximizing Impact on PBIS Planning Day
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
MTSS Museum
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
Neurodiversity Affirming Practices: Inclusiveness Profile
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
PBIS Nuts and Bolts: Systems and Strategies for Full School Engagement
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
School Culture & Climate Score
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
Supporting Behavior in Early Childhood with the Pyramid Model
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
THE Bates Story Project
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
Unlocking Behavior: The Power of Functional Behavior Assessments
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
Using data to drive the work of a Behavior Support Team
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM
Welcome to the Matrix (PBIS Style)
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
"READY TO LEARN": Destressing Activities That Prepare Students for Learning
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
Brain-Based Learning and Multisensory Instruction
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
Bringing the Behavior Binder to Life: Strategies for Corrective Feedback
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
Building Community Through the House System
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
Creating a Behavior Response Team
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
Diving into CDM Data Chats
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
Entering Interventions in Unified Insights - MTSS
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
Make and Take: Creating Symbolic Talking Pieces for Classroom Discourse
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
Master Your Year: Maximizing Impact on PBIS Planning Day
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
MTSS Museum
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
Navigating Behavior Intervention Plans: Procedures, Strategies, and a Case Study Exploration
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
School Culture & Climate Score
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
Supporting Behavior in Early Childhood with the Pyramid Model
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
Teaching Social Skills in the Elementary School
2:20 PM to 3:20 PM
The Bates Story Project
Selection Options
Secondary Session 4 (2:20- 3:20pm)
School Culture & Climate Score
School Culture & Climate Score
14/25 LEFT  
Room 201
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024 @  02:20:PM  —  03:20:PM EDT
Attendee Registration