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Elevate: WRAMTA 2024 Virtual Education Summit

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Elevate: WRAMTA 2024 Virtual Education Summit
Elevate: WRAMTA 2024 Virtual Education Summit
Western Region of the American Music Therapy Association EDUCATION
Sun, April 14, 2024 @ 08:00 AM — Wed, July 31, 2024 @ 11:55 PM (PDT)
Event Banner
Registration: Closed
Event Dates
8:00 AM to 11:55 PM (PDT)

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Registration Closes
July 31, 2024 @ 11:55 pm
Selection Options
US Dollar
Conference Registration
AMTA Member Registration
AMTA Member Registration
$ 100.00 

Included with registration:

  • 5 CMTEs for Regional Conference Attendance
  • Access to recordings of Concurrent Sessions, Membership Meetings, and networking events
  • Free registration and access to the recording of the ethics CMTE (3 credits)

When you select this, you also get (at no additional charge):
  • RECORDING: Ethical Decision-Making and Reasoning in Music Therapy
Non-AMTA Member Registration
Non-AMTA Member Registration
$ 130.00 

Included with registration:

  • 5 CMTEs for Regional Conference Attendance
  • Access to recordings of Concurrent Sessions, Membership Meetings, and networking events
Student AMTA Member Registration
Student AMTA Member Registration
$ 50.00 

Included with registration:

  • Access to recordings of Concurrent Sessions, Membership Meetings, and networking events
  • Free registration and access to recording of the ethics CMTE (3 credits)

*Must be a Student Member of AMTA

When you select this, you also get (at no additional charge):
  • RECORDING: Ethical Decision-Making and Reasoning in Music Therapy
Student Non-AMTA Member Registration
Student Non-AMTA Member Registration
$ 65.00 

Included with registration:

  • Access to recordings of Concurrent Sessions, Membership Meetings, and networking events

Conference Institute
RECORDING: Institute: Sing Your Truth: Self-Care through Strength-Based Imp …
RECORDING: Institute: Sing Your Truth: Self-Care through Strength-Based Imp …
$ 130.00 
Sunday Apr 14, 2024 @  09:00:AM  —  04:00:PM PDT

Recording available to those registered for the course


Join us for improvisation experiences aimed at nurturing the music thera-pist through exploration of musical and personal strengths with a focus on self-care. This unique virtual opportunity exists where participants have privacy to create and improvise independently, connecting with their au-thentic music self. Improvisation will be used to increase peer support, going inward for reflection, then sharing our personal process. Honoring the music self with other music therapists provides this self-care experi-ence, which is the foundation of the strength-based improvisation (SBI) approach. This SBI mini retreat offers personal growth experiences and Overview Join us for improvisation experiences aimed at nurturing the music thera-pist through exploration of musical and personal strengths with a focus on self-care. This unique virtual opportunity exists where participants have privacy to create and improvise independently, connecting with their au-thentic music self. Improvisation will be used to increase peer support, going inward for reflection, then sharing our personal process. Honoring the music self with other music therapists provides this self-care experi-ence, which is the foundation of the strength-based improvisation (SBI) approach. This SBI mini retreat offers personal growth experiences and clinical musicianship education for use with our clients.


  1. Participants will identify at least five (5) treatment planning con-siderations for facilitating a strength-based improvisation ses-sion. (II. D. 8,9,12,13)
  2. Participants will create at least one (1) individualized music therapy improvisation for addressing self-care related issues. (III. A. 1,2,4,5)
  3. Participants will create at least one (1) group improvisation for practicing collaborative work with colleagues. (V. A. 4; V. B. 9)

SPEAKERS: Lisa Jackert, MA, MT-BC and Robin Rio, MA, MT-BC

Lisa Jackert, MA, MT-BC has been a board-certified music therapist since 1990. She is certified in Vocal Psychotherapy as well as The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music. Lisa works for Anaheim Community Hospital which serves adults and older adults in acute and outpatient psychiatric settings. Lisa is the owner of Music Therapy Services of Long Beach. The focus of her work stems from a music psychotherapy trauma informed approach and also includes, songwriting, and strength-based improvisation. Lisa is a known national and international conference presenter. She also teaches music therapy at Biola University and is a performing singer-songwriter.

Robin Rio, MA, MT-BC is an adjunct professor of music at Virginia Commonwealth University, a music therapist at Chippenham Hospital, Affinity Hospice, Rio Music Therapy, and Emeritus Associate Professor of Music Therapy at Arizona State University. She has completed the pre-internship requirements for Gestalt Pastoral Care. Robin has served on AMTA Education Training and Advisory Board, Ethics Committee, Judicial Review Board, served on WRAMTA executive board as vice president, and on the assembly. She has co-developed and led music therapy workshops, retreats and continuing education courses at the caregiver, professional and graduate levels of learning, in the US and internationally.

CMTE (Continuing Music Therapy Education) Courses
RECORDING: "Why did you shy away from me when I mentioned God?"
RECORDING: "Why did you shy away from me when I mentioned God?"
$ 90.00 
Monday Apr 15, 2024 @  05:00:PM  —  08:00:PM PDT

Recording available to those registered for the course


What do we tell Hospice patients who ask us to use our music therapy tools for their spiritual healing towards the great transition? Cultural hu-mility and responsiveness ask us to provide an appropriate response largely unfettered to our own spiritual bias. A scientific underpinning of the notions we call “Soul”, “God”, “Spirit”, and “Life Beyond Death” may help us in that response and temper our own spiritual eagerness, so that we include a spiritual aspect in the music-therapeutic intervention.


  1. Participants will identify three (3) scientific definitions, one each for “soul”, “spirit”, and ”god” for future culturally appropriate as-sessments. (II. B. 3)
  2. Participants will identify three (3) ways in which scientific evidence of “soul”, “spirit”, and “god” affect their authentic therapeutic be-havior to conduct themselves in an authentic, ethical, accountable, and culturally sensitive manner that respects privacy, dignity, and human rights. (V. B. 2)

SPEAKER: Stephen Betz, Ph.D, MT-BC

Stephan Betz holds a Ph.D. in Community Education and earned his Board Certification for Music Therapy in 1996. He has provided music therapy services to people with disabilities for 42 years and received awards for professional excellence as well as Honorary Recognitions by the U.S. Congress and California Senate / Assembly. He helped situate 350 people with severe disabilities in the community creating Healthy Homes, created a Trauma-Informed Education Community in Vallejo for 14,500 students, and was executive sponsor for an award winning trauma informed reentry program for women. Stephan provides Music Therapy at StepUpMusic Vallejo and Walnut Creek Center for Community Arts.

RECORDING: Safe Music Therapy - An argument made by physics and neuroscienc …
RECORDING: Safe Music Therapy - An argument made by physics and neuroscienc …
$ 90.00 
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024 @  05:00:PM  —  08:00:PM PDT

Recording available to those registered for the course


Music Therapy must be safe to do not harm. As music therapists, we are tasked to know which sounds and interventions are beneficial to our clients. New data from physics and neuroscience show that certain sounds and frequencies are more effective than others. This course will present new insights into neural structures from the human connectome project, that can be applied to generate a new understanding of neurodiversity. The course will explore the musical structure of the brain through its metric topology.


Participants will identify five (5) modalities with which therapeuticapplication of music benefits neurodiverse brains of clients. (V. A.2)

Participants will identify two (2) ways to ensure advocacy-baseddocumentation and medical correspondence. (V.B.10)

Participants will identify three (3) ways in which their own valuescan be incorporated into their interventions for the benefit of theirneurodiverse client. (V.B.11)

SPEAKER: Stephan Betz, Ph.D, MT-BC

Stephan Betz holds a Ph.D. in Community Education and earned his Board Certification for Music Therapy in 1996. He has provided music therapy services to people with disabilities for 42 years and received awards for professional excellence as well as Honorary Recognitions by the U.S. Congress and California Senate / Assembly. He helped situate 350 people with severe disabilities in the community creating Healthy Homes, created a Trauma-Informed Education Community in Vallejo for 14,500 students, and was executive sponsor for an award winning trauma informed reentry program for women. Stephan provides Music Therapy at StepUpMusic Vallejo and Walnut Creek Center for Community Arts.

RECORDING: Assessing developmental delay and intellectual disability in non …
RECORDING: Assessing developmental delay and intellectual disability in non …
$ 120.00 
Sunday Apr 21, 2024 @  09:00:AM  —  02:00:PM PDT

Recording available to those registered for the course


The State of California has issued a ground-breaking rule sure to be fol-lowed by other Regional states in the near future that includes eligibility for infants and toddlers for disability services if they are assessed having "a developmental delay in one or more of the following six areas: cogni-tive development; physical and motor development, including vision and hearing; expressive communication development; receptive communica-tion development; social or emotional development; or adaptive develop-ment. Developmentally delayed infants and toddlers are those who are de-termined to have a significant difference between the expected level of development for their age and their current level of functioning. This de-termination shall be made by qualified personnel who are recognized by, or part of, a multidisciplinary team, including the parents. A significant difference is defined as a 25-percent delay in one or more developmental areas.” This raises the question: who is qualified personnel to make that assessment” Music therapists have worked with non-verbal clients since the inception of music therapy in the USA, creating a strong body of re-search demonstrating its efficacy. On the other hand, the education com-munity relies on standardized tools such as the Desired Results Develop-mental Profile (DRDP), a national standard for developmental assess-ments. This workshop teaches music therapists how to utilize the tools of

the DRDP, apply them to an assessment, and deliver their report to a mul-tidisciplinary team including the pediatrician.


  1. Participants will use the DRDP domain tests and the Murakami Music Therapy and Harm Model to identify at least one (1) adver-sity to music therapy, and design off-ramping warm-hand-off proto-cols to continue the client assessment within the multidisciplinary team without music therapy. (I. 5)
  2. Participants will demonstrate at least one (1) music therapy proto-cols that apply to DRDP Domain assessments. (II. A. 2)
  3. Participants will practice at least one (1) music therapy protocols that address the DRDP Domains and be able to identify at least (1) functioning levels based on music therapy protocols. (II. B. 3)
  4. Participants will demonstrate how to formulate at least two (2) eli-gibility reports following the assessment to recommend inclusion in or exclusion from DD/ID services as a member of the multidiscipli-nary team. (II. C. 3, 5)

SPEAKER: Stephan Betz, Ph.D, MT-BC

Stephan Betz holds a Ph.D. in Community Education and earned his Board Certification for Music Therapy in 1996. He has provided music therapy services to people with disabilities for 42 years and received awards for professional excellence as well as Honorary Recognitions by the U.S. Congress and California Senate / Assembly. He helped situate 350 people with severe disabilities in the community creating Healthy Homes, created a Trauma-Informed Education Community in Vallejo for 14,500 students, and was executive sponsor for an award winning trauma informed reentry program for women. Stephan provides Music Therapy at StepUpMusic Vallejo and Walnut Creek Center for Community Arts.

Attendee Registration