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The Air Force is seeking to identify innovative Digital Engineering (DE) technologies and processes that aid in transforming AF acquisition from “analog” to “digital” and allow the AF to rapidly and continuously field disruptive capabilities. Digital Engineering depends on the creation of virtual, digital models and environments that are nearly perfect, harnessing their full power to learn and experiment so the actual, physical systems are fully integrated and tested before they are produced.
In adherence to the Air Force’s three digital acquisition principles (Own the Tech Stack, Warp from Tech Stack to Edge, eCreate before you Aviate), the DE innovations being sought include, but are not limited to virtual work environments, rapid virtual prototyping and demonstration, infrastructure operability, big data management, analysis, and visualization, linking disparate data sources and systems, digital thread and digital twin, advanced architecture tools, cybersecurity, decision analysis, model based systems engineering, model based engineering, software visualization, and cloud/high performance computing (HPC) cost effective infrastructure.
All source selection activities will take place in the private government pitch. In order to be considered for funding under this 20.3 Solicitation, Topic: AF203-DCSO3, vendors must participate in the private government pitch.
The public pitch/presentation has no impact on the source selection process or any potential funding. The public pitch/presentation is purely an opportunity for the selected vendors to highlight their technology to other attendees, and offers no guarantee of funding, consideration, or connections of any kind. Vendors are not required to participate in the public pitch/presentation in order to participate in the private government pitch.
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